how to install wordpress on hostinger | Hindi

Choosing the right hosting plan for your WordPress site on Hostinger:

Choosing the right hosting plan for your WordPress site is essential to ensure that your website runs smoothly without any hiccups. Hostinger offers several hosting plans, each with varying features and pricing, making it challenging to determine which one is the best for your WordPress site. In this section, we will discuss choosing the right hosting plan for your WordPress site on Hostinger.

Firstly, you need to consider your budget. Hostinger offers different pricing plans that cater to different budget ranges. If you are starting and have a limited budget, you can opt for the Shared Hosting plan, which is the most affordable option. However, if you have a more substantial budget, you can choose a more premium plan like VPS or Cloud Hosting.

Secondly, you need to evaluate the traffic you expect on your WordPress site. If you anticipate high traffic, you need a hosting plan that can handle the traffic efficiently without slowing down your website. Hostinger offers unlimited bandwidth on most of its hosting plans, which is crucial for sites that expect a lot of traffic.

Thirdly, you need to assess the technical requirements of your WordPress site. Some plugins and themes require more resources, and if you plan to use them, you need to choose a hosting plan that can handle the extra load. For instance, if you plan to use a lot of images and videos on your WordPress site, you need a hosting plan with ample disk space.

Lastly, you need to consider the level of support you expect from your hosting provider. Hostinger offers 24/7 customer support through live chat, email, and phone, ensuring that you can get help whenever you need it. The level of support you require may vary depending on your level of technical expertise, so it's important to choose a plan that offers support that matches your requirements.

Creating a new domain and linking it to your Hostinger account:

Creating a new domain and linking it to your Hostinger account is the first step towards setting up your WordPress site on Hostinger. In this section, we will discuss how to create a new domain and link it to your Hostinger account.

Firstly, you need to choose a domain name for your website. Your domain name should be unique and reflect the content of your website. You can purchase a new domain name from Hostinger or use an existing domain name that you own. If you're purchasing a new domain, ensure that it's available and not already registered by someone else.

Secondly, you need to log in to your Hostinger account and navigate to the "Domains" section. Here, you can either purchase a new domain or transfer an existing domain to Hostinger. If you're purchasing a new domain, follow the instructions to select and purchase the domain of your choice. If you're transferring an existing domain, follow the instructions to initiate the transfer process.

Thirdly, you need to configure the domain settings to link your domain to your Hostinger account. To do this, you need to change the DNS settings of your domain to Hostinger's DNS servers. This step is crucial to ensure that your domain points to your Hostinger hosting account. You can find the DNS settings in the "Domains" section of your Hostinger account.

Lastly, you need to wait for the DNS changes to propagate. This process can take up to 24 hours, and during this time, your domain may not be accessible. Once the changes have propagated, you can verify that your domain is linked to your Hostinger account by navigating to your domain in a web browser. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a Hostinger landing page or a "Site under construction" message.

Installing WordPress on Hostinger using the one-click installer:

Installing WordPress on Hostinger using the one-click installer is a straightforward process that requires no technical expertise. Hostinger provides an intuitive one-click installer that automates the entire process, making it easy for anyone to install WordPress on their website. In this section, we will discuss how to install WordPress on Hostinger using the one-click installer.

Firstly, you need to log in to your Hostinger account and navigate to the "Auto Installer" section. Here, you will find the WordPress installer, which is free and easy to use. Click on the "WordPress" installer to initiate the installation process.

Secondly, you need to select the domain on which you want to install WordPress. If you have multiple domains linked to your Hostinger account, select the domain on which you want to install WordPress. You can also choose the installation path and select the version of WordPress you want to install.

Thirdly, you need to enter your WordPress login credentials, such as your username and password. Ensure that you use a strong password to secure your WordPress site from potential security threats. You can also configure advanced settings, such as your database name and database username.

Lastly, you need to wait for the installation process to complete. The one-click installer will automatically install WordPress on your website and configure the necessary settings. Once the installation process is complete, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard and start customizing your website.

In conclusion, installing WordPress on Hostinger using the one-click installer is a simple and easy process that anyone can do. It's a great option for beginners who want to set up their WordPress site quickly without any technical knowledge. With the one-click installer, you can have your WordPress site up and running in just a few minutes.

Configuring basic WordPress settings after installation on Hostinger:

Configuring basic WordPress settings after installation on Hostinger is crucial to ensure that your website functions correctly and is optimized for search engines. In this section, we will discuss how to configure basic WordPress settings after installation on Hostinger.

Firstly, you need to log in to your WordPress dashboard using your login credentials. Once you're logged in, navigate to the "Settings" section. Here, you can configure various settings, such as your site title, tagline, and timezone. Ensure that you enter accurate information, as this will be visible to your visitors and can affect your search engine rankings.

Secondly, you need to set up your permalinks. Permalinks are the URLs that are used to access your website's pages and posts. By default, WordPress uses a non-SEO friendly URL structure that can negatively affect your search engine rankings. To set up permalinks, navigate to the "Permalinks" section and select the "Post name" option.

Thirdly, you need to configure your reading settings. Reading settings control how your website's content is displayed to your visitors. Here, you can select the number of posts to display on each page and whether to show the full post or a summary. You can also select a static page as your homepage or display your latest posts.

Lastly, you need to configure your discussion settings. Discussion settings control how comments are handled on your website. Here, you can enable or disable comments on your posts and pages, set up comment moderation, and configure other options related to comments.

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In conclusion, configuring basic WordPress settings after installation on Hostinger is essential to ensure that your website is optimized for search engines and functions correctly. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up your WordPress site to display accurate information, use SEO-friendly permalinks, and handle comments effectively.


In conclusion, installing WordPress on Hostinger is a straightforward process that can be completed by following a few simple steps. By choosing the right hosting plan, creating a new domain and linking it to your Hostinger account, and using the one-click installer to install WordPress, you can have your website up and running in no time. Once WordPress is installed, it's important to configure basic settings such as the site title and tagline, permalink structure, and user roles to ensure that your website is set up correctly. With Hostinger's affordable hosting plans and WordPress's user-friendly interface and extensive customization options, anyone can create a professional and functional website.

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